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Depending on his area of expertise, he implies that security will pose the greatest challenge to the sector in the near future. No matter how flawless the digital system is, inadvertent mistakes caused by human error will lead to security flaws. In order to prevent fraud and protect business data, he adds, manpower and management processes must be optimized.
For people who are new to the maritime/finance industry, he provides some guidance. Review the contracts with your banks, suppliers, and other service providers, he says. It is critical to negotiate to reduce costs, no matter how slight they can become, in the context of increasing costs. Also, be dependable and get ready for the worst potential financial circumstance in your professional and personal lives.
He asserts that honesty is the only quality that contributes to your success in both professional and social interactions. Never compromise your integrity or loyalty, no matter what your duty is.
Maritime industry appeals to him as it has the foremost potential for expansion in Turkey, which is surrounded by seas on three sides and has an abundance of inland waters. It becomes obvious why he chose the maritime shipping industry when we regard that ships carry out between 70 and 75 percent of all global trade.